Generative Gestaltung Performance

School of the wink

Matthias Jäger & GUKUBI  MATO
Exercises in art and neighborhood #3
Friday, September 17th, 2021
Metahofspitz, Graz Austria 

Full set with all glyphs in the winker alphabet

The entrance to the car park at Metahofspitz was transformed into a large projection canvas and used to send encrypted messages towards Annenstrasse. Studio Asynchrome’s work on site deals with the Arecibo message that was sent to the Andromeda Nebula in 1974.

The fifth paragraph of this message was a rough sketch of the human form. This figure served Matthias Jäger and GUKUBI MATO as the basis for the creation of 26 graphics in the standardized positions of the winker alphabet. The winker alphabet is used for the optical transmission of messages in seafaring. A person with two flags is able to transmit messages over long distances.

A self-written software takes over entered messages and translates them as an animated sequence of graphics. Visitors had the opportunity to send their own messages with the software.

Selected messages from vistors using the provided message forms

All available letters in the animation

Curated by < rotor > center for contemporary art, with funding from BMKÖS program „Frischluft – Kunst im Freien“ and support from Graz Kulturjahr 2020

Cover image: Alex Krischner